Friday, November 12, 2010

My Worst Date

I went out with a girl who was cute in the face, but a little bit over weight. and that turned me off. It was a hook up through a mutual friend. the actual date was okay. she had a childish attitude while her personality some what childish. i decided not to see her again.


  1. Interesting post, but I'm curious--what made her childish? Did she discuss topics that you thought were silly? Did she giggle the entire time you went out? If that's the case, maybe she was nervous? Maybe she deserves a second chance.

  2. Guadia that's funny man but why so quick to decide? I mean what's on the inside could have counted alot more. In relation to the Bordo's article of being a gentleman or beast I can say you were a gentleman because you did go thru the whole date and well i suppose you let her down gently?

  3. I strongly agree with you because the male's personality and behavior is very important overall in the first date.Therefore, man's physical appareance is lost if he has an inadequated and childish behavior toward the woman.
