Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Guadia J Azize
Instructor: Magdalena Bogacka
Eng. 101. 0800
November 9th, 2010

I would prefer to concentrate on the collective performance of masculinity because this is a strategy that men use to give each other confidence and support to enact their go-getter roles and pick up girls at social events. For instance, Grazian refers to the different stages of cohesive displays acted out by heterosexuals during the pre-game, face-to-face interactions with females and after one of their "team-mates " scores a date with the help of the "wing-man". Grazian's description of masculinity "In The Girl Hunt" talks about the social interactions that goes on in today's urban night life. I can relate to his views because that is the norm in college campuses across the states; young men get together to plan and carry out their girl-hunting strategies.

According to Grazian in the "girl Hunt" interactionists believe masculinity symbolizes dramaturgical performances that are learned through social behaviors. in other words masculinity is strongly influenced by its surroundings such as the male peers who constantly re-enforce the rules of girl hunting to instill the characteristics of a womanizer. Further more, in "The Wedding Crashers" Vince Vaugh is forced to stick up for his buddy, Owen Wilson, when he brakes the rules in falling for an attractive young woman.

the ideas I'm looking for will come from three different sources. pimarily, I've chosen "The Girl Hunt" by David Grazian. The other two will come from the works cited page provided by Garzian. hopefully, I can piece together the subject matter by lookig for supporting points that correlates with the collective performances that are displayed by young men to gain peer status. Also, i will need information on how they interact with potential sex partners at night clubs or any other after-hours settings. maybe through the database on the computer or the hard copies in the library, I will find the needed materials for this requested research.

1 comment:

  1. The topic of gender performativity is a very interesting one and a focus of much discussion in masculinity studies and feminist studies. Your proposal clearly illustrates what Grazian's article is about and how you'll proceed with your research. Grazian's works cited/reference page is a great place to start. But explain what you mean by "interactionists believe masculinity symbolizes dramaturgical performances"? Your preliminary thesis is "collective ritual masculinity is a strategy that men use to give each other confidence and support to enact their gender roles better and pick up girls." Am I correct? If you are interested in the topic of gender performativity you should look at Judith Butler's book, Gender Trouble.
