Wednesday, October 27, 2010

outline research paper #1

ENG. 101. O800
October 26, 2010

Preliminary Thesis: The Leadership Aspect of Masculinity
1st Supporting Point: Air Force personnel adapts to new tactical
Military changes across the skies.
Example: According to the author “In The Future Of War”
He points out that more often than not, planes are constantly
Flying over enemy territory.
Further details: There is a passage where Mockenhaupt
Suggests: “they guard soldiers on patrol, spy on Al Qaeda
Leaders, and send missiles shrieking down on insurgents
Massing in the night.”
Analysis: The new aerial vehicles are transforming the
The way the world approaches its concern with national
Security within its border and on the battlefield; a technological
Transition currently incorporated by the defense departments’

brilliant minds.

Supporting point#2: The author, Charles P. Pierce
Unknowingly tries to depict his feelings towards the
Unexpected Election Day process that unanimously picked
The first African American president, and drifts in his mind
To places where African Americans initially made their Mark to improve the social, economic and educational
Inequalities that were institutionalized during the first half
Of the 20th century.
Example: for instance, Pierce correlates his oldest son’s Grad school, The University of Mississippi, with James
Meredith, whom through his persistent nature, gained admittance to the prestigious University.
Further detail: Pierce recalls how long it took for the
Alleged shooter, who murdered Medgar Evars on the same
Cement drive way where he once stood as a boy, to be convicted of the crime.
Analysis: The author retraces his past experiences with
Respect to the pioneers who paved the way for the black
Establishment, while absorbing the excitement that he felt
during the 2008 Presidential Elections.

Supporting point#3: This is an article that focuses on how
One man changed the face of politics with his subtle
Charisma and never say never attitude and helped run
And manage a successful presidential campaign against
Then G.O.P. challenger (McCain).
Example: In “The Men Who Made Obama”, Ji Messina, the deputy chief of staff to Obama argues,
David Plouffe, “If he wanted to go invent cold fusion, he’d figure out a a way to do it” (qtd. In Taddeo 124)
Further detail: In this article Obama goes on Plouffe’s
Defense, in response to the critics who say he ran a
Lucky campaign by suggesting, that if it wasn’t for
Him, he would not have tasted victory.
Analysis: In the face of adversity and uncertainty, David
Plouffe was able to keep his composure and determination
to lead as Obama’s campaign manager, even when he was told by political experts, on a number of occasions, the odds of winning

the presidential office were slim to none.

Supporting point#4: The article talks about how Bill Clinton Used his leadership skills by uniting the country and Not letting the opposing party dictate how the government
Should be viewed.
Example: In an interview with esquire, Bill Clinton argues,
The Republican Party thought of the government as a nuisance; A propaganda they intended to sell to divide the country and to Show that a bigger government will ultimately hinder capitalism As we know it.
Further details: Bill explains how he fought hard to pass the
The health care bill despite the opposition he faced in the
Analysis: Bill Clinton shares, in an interview with esquire,
an assessment of his overall performance in his last days as
president. In the article, Clinton claims his party brought a
new breath of fresh air to the government, changed its
negative image that for the most part was designed to
Expose the government as the villain.

Supporting point#5: Obama beautifully illustrates in
“Values” the audacity of hope, the significance to hold on to
the American Values that we take for granted
Example: Obama argues: “indeed, the value of individual
freedom is so deeply ingrained in us that we tend to take it
for granted.”
further detail: Obama goes on to describe his wife’s
Feelings while visiting relatives in Kenya by saying “she
Hadn’t realized just how free she was----or how much she
cherished that freedom.”
Analysis: American values is what makes the United
States so unique from the rest of the world. The values of
of freedom in particular, will triumph as long as it is
protected by dedicated men, willing to go that extra mile
to keep our country running smoothly.

Supporting point#6: The security measures that were
implemented by the former president, George Bush,
right after 9/11, re-invented the way we conduct
business as usual.
Example: The former president, soon after the attacks,
reaffirms his leadership qualities as commander and

chief, proclaiming “We’re at war.” (qtd. in Woodward 17).

further details: Woodward explains how the C.I.A
conducts covert operations using unmanned aircrafts to
spy on and destroy Al Qaeda leaders.
Analysis: A coordinated effort was established
Amongst the intelligence communities in support of
The president’s decision to declare war on terrorism.

Friday, October 15, 2010

annotated bibliograghy

ENG. 101 0800
OCTOBER 14TH, 2010

The pattern I have pieced together by looking at the articles from esquire, describes masculinity as an entity that stands tall and fights for what is morally right. The masculinity being described here is the go-getter type who makes the tough decisions in order to protect and improve the lives of the American people. It also conveys the characteristics of a risk-taker. It is being described as a leader in charge of the situation or at the helmet.

Mockenhaupt, Brian “The Future of War: We’ve Seen the Future and It is
Unmanned” Esquire 152 .5 (Nov. 2009): 131-37. Print.
The argument presented by Mockenhaupt describes how a three-man-crew operates an unmanned aircraft giving each other courage to spy on and execute enemy combatants over Iraq and Afghanistan. The information in this article evaluates masculinity as risk-takers. These men give up their family time to go and protect our national security. And to undertake such responsibilities you need to have leadership qualities. An example that reflects this type of leadership is illustrated by mockenhaupt, describing colonel “gunz” Gersten as a tough cookie who graduated from a weapons school, commanded an expeditionary wing at Creech and now leads unmanned aircrafts across Iraq and Afghanistan .

Pierce Charles P. “Journal: Newtownville Massachusetts” esquire 151 .1 (Jan:
2009): 62. Print.
This article is about pierce himself who drifts in his mind to the memorable places where the frontrunners of the black movement lost their lives, all while at the same time prepares for a celebretation many thought would’t happen. This source of information can be useful in that it points out the changes many people of color had to endure to afloat. These experiences shaped their lives in a way that made them strong physically and mentally. They maintained a sense of hope which gave them courage to stand up to the oppressor. A leader, according to my observation, is what pierce saw in James Meredith, an activist who became the first African American to get admitted into the University of Mississipi.

Taddeo, Lisa “The Men who Made Obama: One Of These Man Changed Politics
For Ever” esquire 151 .3 (March: 2009): 122-27. Print.
This is an interesting story on a man who re-wrote history by planning one of the best presidential campaigns this country has ever seen. David Plouffe is his name, a man who became Obama’s campaign manager and is now remembered as the person responsible for electing the first African American president. The reason for my choosing of this source has to do with the subtle and engaging personality that can steal anyone’s affection.Taddeo points out – David Plouffe didn’t graduate from college, rather he worked nonstop to get to the top of the political world, and set-up against all odds the prevailing campaign for president.

Warren, Mark “Bill Clinton: Then And Now”. Esquire 152 .4 (Oct: 2009):
100,102. Printing
Warren illustrates how bill Clinton brought back government activism to people’s attention. By not letting the opposing party thrash the government as if it was the sole problem for what has taken place in today’s troubled economy. I chose this piece of information because it says a lot about a man who is concerned with equality for every citizen. A leader who wants to bring people together by mending fences and analyzing ways to improve our well-being. He is portrayed as a leader who is bussy trying to organize health care so that everyone can afford health insurance for a healthier America. For instance, warren gets a response from Bill Clinton in the following manner as Clinton refers to a quote repeated by insurance lobbyist “the bill was long and complicated “. Suggesting he did all he could to pass the health care reform even when it was not at top of the to-do-list for many republicans whom had control of the senate at the time.

Monday, October 11, 2010

bordo's 3rd comment

this particular comment presented by Bordo doesn't convey or relate to the massage depicted in my ad. Bordo is talking about how unmanly it looks to show his body in an attractive way.meaning he is not suppose to be surveyd by women,let alone men. i do believe men are being accepted in society as an artistic embodiement of beauty.

Friday, October 8, 2010

final draft

Guadia J Azize
instructor:Magdalena Bogacka
English 101. 0800
September 16th, 2010

Who would have thought, that men had the capacity to generate so much fuzz about their sexual and yet, manly appearance. A concept that has fueled an inclination to incorporate this new marketing frenzy in sport commercials and consumer- product advertisements in this country alone. I just referred to what Bordo stated in his opening statements on (pg.169). Men have asserted themselves as marketable, sexually appealing , and intelligent artistic beings. as Bordo puts it in "beauty(re)discovers the male body" "fashion has taken the lead." This resonates with the discussion i am going to embark on, as it relates to a specific ad which i picked out to demonstrate what it is that this particular ad illustrates , aside from the obvious(Polo Blue Ralph Lauren men's fragrance). Sometimes you have to read between the lines figuratively speaking to decode the subliminal message being marketed along side the product (cologne) itself. The ad conveys the "leaner" quality of masculinity through the model's swaying posture as he sits, resting his right elbow on his knee; all while a firm and defiant stare finds itself on the model's face. A depiction that is wonderfully marketed to get the consumers' attention ; ultimately offering them a reason to buy the product. I will point out the main characteristics that caught my attention in this ad : the models appearance; the blue shirt, more significantly the hidden meaning of the color (blue); and the background setting where the action takes place.

One of the main features that makes this ad jump out at you the minute you glance at it, without a doubt, i would say is his looks. He looks mild in temper and yet, ready to conquer the world a the thump of a heart beat. If one could peer through his eyes you would see neatly shaped glazing pair of stars mesmerizing the wondering curiosity of any, who dared to engage in a staring competition. And as you keep looking, you realize he is not one bid intimidated.On the contrary, he is absorbing everything in as if to say (is that all you got!). His hair on the other hand displays stylish waves of interweaving subtle texture , while appearing wild and unsettling, as it shakes your composure and then you stop for a moment to catch your breath only to learn you were hit with prevailing winds casted out from his whirled silky hair. The models skin radiates a masculine aura that contains substance and maturity ; especially through its tanned appearance reflecting color and meaning to the model's vibrant image, loudly coming out of the ad and proclaiming (you can look like me if you buy my product). moreover, his height shows stature and dominance towering over his would-be -competitors, suggesting greater marketing influence over the paying-public. As you will find out, appearance is just one of the driving forces selling masculinity to the consumer, for i will dedicate my next observation on a significant color (blue) symbol which i will correlate with being masculine.

bryan, payton referes to LOS ANGELES-based shoe designer, GEORGE ESQUIVEL in "make the shoe fit: jeans are casual. but don't be casual about matching your footwear." ( men's health) Oct. 2010: 100. citing, pairing jeans with shoes is all about balance. which buy the way is the source for my ad. The point I'm trying to make is, the color" blue" is popular and fashionable for both urban and suburban men alike. Whether you are to wear a MACY'S navy blue suit to attend a business matter, or casual blue jeans preserved for an outing with your friends. You can not escape its aesthetic appeal. one in which the men in uniform have chosen to represent their masculinity in a very professional, athletic and artistic way. In times square, you see a substantial amount of men wearing the color blue, all dressed in uniform; and what organization other than the new york city police department gives you that impression. The unique color has come to signify honesty, orderly, bravery, and most of all, respect; the same characteristics resembling the appearance of the model in my advertisement ad. There is something peculiar about the color that makes a police officer as well as the model in the ad masculine. maybe the color gives the skin underneath the blue shirt , visibility and an inviting gesture to the gazing eyes. Or could it be its hypnotic way of seducing the audience; or the unnerving nature that can be unleashed any time to tame the rebellious heart. What ever the reason , This color has permanently placed its imprint as a symbol representative of masculinity. Suggesting that it is okay for men to be dressed in blue. As a result it has become a fashionable statement, that men has accepted as being part of their dress-code. even the new york football giants, when kicking a field goal , the sports announcer, emphatically, calls out the words "true blue" insinuating victory ,hope, and winning attitude. These are the connections i make with the model in the blue shirt and being masculine. further more i will discuss the other characteristic that i have not touched on yet. Which is the back ground setting that makes the colors stand out and where the action takes place.

The background setting shown in the ad is a perfect compliment to the color patterns selected to give this illustration life and energy. I like the way the atmosphere, surrounding the ad, blends flawlessly; with the pale-white and fading-blue colors. And how the sea reflects that image as it looks passively obedient; anticipating any change in the weather that would interrupt its tranquility; a description that best fits the model in this ad. Someone who is calm and collective , but eager to show his god-given-talent of his artistic display, attract the intended consumer without having to say a word, which is reflective in his demeanor. The setting tells a story of a man who enjoys the out-door activities, such as walking through the park, cruising on a boat in uncharted waters, having a romantic outing on the roof top of a building. And engaging in breathtaking pursuits of wild animals in unexplored landscapes. The setting also gives the impression of a man who is a risk-taker with an out-going personality and reassured of his sexuality, a personal attribute vividly displayed in his aesthetic presence.

I foresee a bright future for male-models in the advertisement industry as well as in the entertainment industry. This is a phenomena that has sky-rocketed to unprecedented levels, as i have explained through out my observations on how masculinity is incorporated to sell the product (cologne). Men have been given a formal, aesthetic platform to act out their roles as models for marketing advertisements and as innovative entertainment artists. It is no longer a taboo to use men as provocative characters in male magazines or Hollywood movies as long as the majority of the public demands it. Our culture, in many ways, has adapted to the social changes that is still taking place. Men can be macho and sensual at the same time. we are living in a culture that is very competitive, therefore, you have to keep up with the new fashion trends being implemented, that is ever changing the way men are perceived by the buying public. Men have become obsessed with the way they look; to land job;to feel desirable;and to appeal to their sexual preferences. All and all, this ambitions keep men on their toes, looking for ideas to give masculinity a marketable edge.