Wednesday, October 27, 2010

outline research paper #1

ENG. 101. O800
October 26, 2010

Preliminary Thesis: The Leadership Aspect of Masculinity
1st Supporting Point: Air Force personnel adapts to new tactical
Military changes across the skies.
Example: According to the author “In The Future Of War”
He points out that more often than not, planes are constantly
Flying over enemy territory.
Further details: There is a passage where Mockenhaupt
Suggests: “they guard soldiers on patrol, spy on Al Qaeda
Leaders, and send missiles shrieking down on insurgents
Massing in the night.”
Analysis: The new aerial vehicles are transforming the
The way the world approaches its concern with national
Security within its border and on the battlefield; a technological
Transition currently incorporated by the defense departments’

brilliant minds.

Supporting point#2: The author, Charles P. Pierce
Unknowingly tries to depict his feelings towards the
Unexpected Election Day process that unanimously picked
The first African American president, and drifts in his mind
To places where African Americans initially made their Mark to improve the social, economic and educational
Inequalities that were institutionalized during the first half
Of the 20th century.
Example: for instance, Pierce correlates his oldest son’s Grad school, The University of Mississippi, with James
Meredith, whom through his persistent nature, gained admittance to the prestigious University.
Further detail: Pierce recalls how long it took for the
Alleged shooter, who murdered Medgar Evars on the same
Cement drive way where he once stood as a boy, to be convicted of the crime.
Analysis: The author retraces his past experiences with
Respect to the pioneers who paved the way for the black
Establishment, while absorbing the excitement that he felt
during the 2008 Presidential Elections.

Supporting point#3: This is an article that focuses on how
One man changed the face of politics with his subtle
Charisma and never say never attitude and helped run
And manage a successful presidential campaign against
Then G.O.P. challenger (McCain).
Example: In “The Men Who Made Obama”, Ji Messina, the deputy chief of staff to Obama argues,
David Plouffe, “If he wanted to go invent cold fusion, he’d figure out a a way to do it” (qtd. In Taddeo 124)
Further detail: In this article Obama goes on Plouffe’s
Defense, in response to the critics who say he ran a
Lucky campaign by suggesting, that if it wasn’t for
Him, he would not have tasted victory.
Analysis: In the face of adversity and uncertainty, David
Plouffe was able to keep his composure and determination
to lead as Obama’s campaign manager, even when he was told by political experts, on a number of occasions, the odds of winning

the presidential office were slim to none.

Supporting point#4: The article talks about how Bill Clinton Used his leadership skills by uniting the country and Not letting the opposing party dictate how the government
Should be viewed.
Example: In an interview with esquire, Bill Clinton argues,
The Republican Party thought of the government as a nuisance; A propaganda they intended to sell to divide the country and to Show that a bigger government will ultimately hinder capitalism As we know it.
Further details: Bill explains how he fought hard to pass the
The health care bill despite the opposition he faced in the
Analysis: Bill Clinton shares, in an interview with esquire,
an assessment of his overall performance in his last days as
president. In the article, Clinton claims his party brought a
new breath of fresh air to the government, changed its
negative image that for the most part was designed to
Expose the government as the villain.

Supporting point#5: Obama beautifully illustrates in
“Values” the audacity of hope, the significance to hold on to
the American Values that we take for granted
Example: Obama argues: “indeed, the value of individual
freedom is so deeply ingrained in us that we tend to take it
for granted.”
further detail: Obama goes on to describe his wife’s
Feelings while visiting relatives in Kenya by saying “she
Hadn’t realized just how free she was----or how much she
cherished that freedom.”
Analysis: American values is what makes the United
States so unique from the rest of the world. The values of
of freedom in particular, will triumph as long as it is
protected by dedicated men, willing to go that extra mile
to keep our country running smoothly.

Supporting point#6: The security measures that were
implemented by the former president, George Bush,
right after 9/11, re-invented the way we conduct
business as usual.
Example: The former president, soon after the attacks,
reaffirms his leadership qualities as commander and

chief, proclaiming “We’re at war.” (qtd. in Woodward 17).

further details: Woodward explains how the C.I.A
conducts covert operations using unmanned aircrafts to
spy on and destroy Al Qaeda leaders.
Analysis: A coordinated effort was established
Amongst the intelligence communities in support of
The president’s decision to declare war on terrorism.

1 comment:

  1. These are interesting ideas but each of your main points/topics for individual body paragraphs, are simply focusing on summarizing the sources??? If your paper is about how the men's magazine you are working on, promotes leadership masculinity in the specific year you are focusing on, then each of your body paragraphs needs to focus on a point supporting your thesis and analyze, rather than summarize, the sources.
