Friday, October 15, 2010

annotated bibliograghy

ENG. 101 0800
OCTOBER 14TH, 2010

The pattern I have pieced together by looking at the articles from esquire, describes masculinity as an entity that stands tall and fights for what is morally right. The masculinity being described here is the go-getter type who makes the tough decisions in order to protect and improve the lives of the American people. It also conveys the characteristics of a risk-taker. It is being described as a leader in charge of the situation or at the helmet.

Mockenhaupt, Brian “The Future of War: We’ve Seen the Future and It is
Unmanned” Esquire 152 .5 (Nov. 2009): 131-37. Print.
The argument presented by Mockenhaupt describes how a three-man-crew operates an unmanned aircraft giving each other courage to spy on and execute enemy combatants over Iraq and Afghanistan. The information in this article evaluates masculinity as risk-takers. These men give up their family time to go and protect our national security. And to undertake such responsibilities you need to have leadership qualities. An example that reflects this type of leadership is illustrated by mockenhaupt, describing colonel “gunz” Gersten as a tough cookie who graduated from a weapons school, commanded an expeditionary wing at Creech and now leads unmanned aircrafts across Iraq and Afghanistan .

Pierce Charles P. “Journal: Newtownville Massachusetts” esquire 151 .1 (Jan:
2009): 62. Print.
This article is about pierce himself who drifts in his mind to the memorable places where the frontrunners of the black movement lost their lives, all while at the same time prepares for a celebretation many thought would’t happen. This source of information can be useful in that it points out the changes many people of color had to endure to afloat. These experiences shaped their lives in a way that made them strong physically and mentally. They maintained a sense of hope which gave them courage to stand up to the oppressor. A leader, according to my observation, is what pierce saw in James Meredith, an activist who became the first African American to get admitted into the University of Mississipi.

Taddeo, Lisa “The Men who Made Obama: One Of These Man Changed Politics
For Ever” esquire 151 .3 (March: 2009): 122-27. Print.
This is an interesting story on a man who re-wrote history by planning one of the best presidential campaigns this country has ever seen. David Plouffe is his name, a man who became Obama’s campaign manager and is now remembered as the person responsible for electing the first African American president. The reason for my choosing of this source has to do with the subtle and engaging personality that can steal anyone’s affection.Taddeo points out – David Plouffe didn’t graduate from college, rather he worked nonstop to get to the top of the political world, and set-up against all odds the prevailing campaign for president.

Warren, Mark “Bill Clinton: Then And Now”. Esquire 152 .4 (Oct: 2009):
100,102. Printing
Warren illustrates how bill Clinton brought back government activism to people’s attention. By not letting the opposing party thrash the government as if it was the sole problem for what has taken place in today’s troubled economy. I chose this piece of information because it says a lot about a man who is concerned with equality for every citizen. A leader who wants to bring people together by mending fences and analyzing ways to improve our well-being. He is portrayed as a leader who is bussy trying to organize health care so that everyone can afford health insurance for a healthier America. For instance, warren gets a response from Bill Clinton in the following manner as Clinton refers to a quote repeated by insurance lobbyist “the bill was long and complicated “. Suggesting he did all he could to pass the health care reform even when it was not at top of the to-do-list for many republicans whom had control of the senate at the time.


  1. These look like great and well-selected sources. But PLEASE, and I've mentioned this to you several times, remember that proper nouns must be capitalized. Also, review the annotated bibliography format on the research paper assignment sheet as your were asked to write three separate notes for each source: summary, assessment and reflection?

  2. As far as the format is concerned, the sources are written correctly in MLA format. For the annotated bibliography, according to the Purdue OWL website, the second line of the source should be indented as well as the summary of the sources. Professor Bogacka wanted the annotated bibliography to consist of three paragraphs: the first paragraph would summarize the source; the second paragraph would contain an evaluation of the source. That means the Eng 101 student would point out the article’s strengths and the third paragraph is a reflection on how this source relates to the student’s topic/research. Guadia seems to have combined the summary and reflection into one paragraph. Although in general, an annotated bibliography does not need to contain all three paragraphs- for this particular assignment it was mandatory to have the three paragraphs and in this respect, Guadia’s annotated bibliography was incomplete despite the sources being well chosen and being relevant to the topic of how masculinity influences leadership.


    My secondary sources

    Marra, Meredith, Bernadette Vine, and Janet Holmes. "Heroes, fathers and good mates: Leadership styles of men at work." ANZCA208 Conference, Power and Place. July 2008: 1-15. Web. 26 Oct 2010

    Laurence, Lianne. "The Making of a Man." Catholic Insight. Social Insight, 02 2006. Web. 26 Oct 2010. <

    If I were a student in Eng 10, I would try to use scholarly sources for my secondary sources only because it offers a different perspective. For the primary sources, students had to choose articles from one man’s magazine. I think the secondary sources offers a little more leeway because you can now choose anything (besides an encyclopedia entry) that relates to your topic/thesis.

  3. Nedra James-Research Advisor

    Purpose (check more than one if it applies): __X_Inform ___Persuade ___Satirize ___Amuse ___Sell
    ___Rant (or complain) ___Other:

    [Perhaps also to persuade?]

    Documentation (does the author cite any sources or say where he or she got the information?):
    ___ sources cited formally ___ sources mentioned in text _X__ none

    However, the author did perform an interview and any information in the article would come directly from Dr. Mango who based his ideas on the teachings of Pope John Paul II.

    Are there ads attached to the information? _X___none ____a few _____many
    Is there a stated or apparent bias? What is it? Is there a stated mission from the publisher?
    There is an apparent bias. Since this is a Catholic/ church oriented website the articles present may not be as objective as one would find in the New York Times. The website obviously has an agenda to inform and persuade its readers.

    [This is a very good observation, and important to keep in mind. This article is really making some broad generalizations about the essential nature of men and women. These kinds of statements would not likely appear in a more objective newspaper. Good analysis here.]

    What is the quality of the writing or of the image? (How are the writing, grammar and spelling? Does it look professional?) ____ Excellent __X__ So-so ____ Awful

    Is this source relevant and/or useful for the research paper being written? Add any comments here:

    Although this is not a scholarly source, I thought it would be great to add another point of view for the research topic. Guadia believes that masculinity entails being ‘morally upright, a go getter’ and a brave man that serves and protect. Also, to be masculine means to be a leader; therefore, I thought this article could present another point of view. In the article, Dr. Mango describes 4 archetypes or universal types of men which men have stored away in their sub- consciousness. These archetypes form the basis of their masculinity. Out of the 4 archetypes, I thought two were the most relevant to this paper. The first type is the king: this type of man creates order, encourages and blesses those under his authority. The second type is the warrior, who defends and protects himself and those weaker than him whether is “physically, psychologically, spiritually or economically.” I think the archetype of the warrior best fits Guadia’s correlation between masculinity and leadership/bravery. So I think this article is a useful secondary source.

    [Excellent job here. You point out the weaknesses of the article (its biases) but also see how this could still be used to back up the paper’s thesis.]

  4. Nedra James- Research Advisor

    Purpose (check more than one if it applies): __X_Inform ___Persuade ___Satirize ___Amuse ___Sell
    ___Rant (or complain) ___Other:

    [Perhaps also to persuade?]

    Documentation (does the author cite any sources or say where he or she got the information?):
    ___ sources cited formally ___ sources mentioned in text _X__ none

    However, the author did perform an interview and any information in the article would come directly from Dr. Mango who based his ideas on the teachings of Pope John Paul II.

    Are there ads attached to the information? _X___none ____a few _____many
    Is there a stated or apparent bias? What is it? Is there a stated mission from the publisher?
    There is an apparent bias. Since this is a Catholic/ church oriented website the articles present may not be as objective as one would find in the New York Times. The website obviously has an agenda to inform and persuade its readers.

    [This is a very good observation, and important to keep in mind. This article is really making some broad generalizations about the essential nature of men and women. These kinds of statements would not likely appear in a more objective newspaper. Good analysis here.]

    What is the quality of the writing or of the image? (How are the writing, grammar and spelling? Does it look professional?) ____ Excellent __X__ So-so ____ Awful

    Is this source relevant and/or useful for the research paper being written? Add any comments here:

    Although this is not a scholarly source, I thought it would be great to add another point of view for the research topic. Guadia believes that masculinity entails being ‘morally upright, a go getter’ and a brave man that serves and protect. Also, to be masculine means to be a leader; therefore, I thought this article could present another point of view. In the article, Dr. Mango describes 4 archetypes or universal types of men which men have stored away in their sub- consciousness. These archetypes form the basis of their masculinity. Out of the 4 archetypes, I thought two were the most relevant to this paper. The first type is the king: this type of man creates order, encourages and blesses those under his authority. The second type is the warrior, who defends and protects himself and those weaker than him whether is “physically, psychologically, spiritually or economically.” I think the archetype of the warrior best fits Guadia’s correlation between masculinity and leadership/bravery. So I think this article is a useful secondary source.

    [Excellent job here. You point out the weaknesses of the article (its biases) but also see how this could still be used to back up the paper’s thesis.]
